
問:Please tell me the history of constable. Please also tell me the difference between constable in the 1800s and today.

: Please tell me the history of constable. Please also tell me the difference between constable in the 1800s and today.


    ★ The Long History of Constables

    The constable position boasts one of the longest tenures in law enforcement, dating back to the Eastern Roman Empire and early 5th century France. Originally known as "Counts of the King's Stables," these constables were high-ranking officials with a focus on military matters.  They commanded armies, judged military offenses, and even oversaw events like tournaments.

    Across the Atlantic, constables emerged in America around the 1630s. The Plymouth Colony appointed the first one in 1632, predating sheriffs by two years. These early constables served the Justice Court system, enforcing orders from both colonial and county officials in both civil and criminal matters.

    Constables in the 1800s vs. Today

    While the core duty of law enforcement remains, the role of the constable has evolved significantly since the 1800s:

    Scope of DutiesIn the 1800s, constables shouldered a wider range of responsibilities beyond just law enforcement. They might collect taxes, manage licenses, handle minor disputes, and even deal with pest control! Today, their focus is much narrower, primarily on enforcing laws and serving warrants.

    Training and Equipment:  The 1800s constable likely received minimal formal training. Their equipment would have been basic – a nightstick and perhaps a firearm. Modern constables undergo training programs and carry more sophisticated equipment, depending on their jurisdiction.

    Authority:  The 1800s constable often held a less prominent role compared to the sheriff. Today, the specific powers of a constable can vary depending on location. In some areas, they might have full arrest powers, while others restrict them to serving civil papers or assisting with specific tasks.

    Selection:  Historically, constables were sometimes elected by the public. Today, the selection process varies by jurisdiction, with some being appointed and others elected.

    Overall, the modern constable is a more specialized law enforcement officer compared to their 19th-century counterpart. Their duties are more focused, their training is more comprehensive, and their overall role within the legal system has become more defined.

    無学歴・無資格 (Academic Outsider) の 76歳の, 日本基督教団の隠退牧師である私は, 2013年4月1日に, 30年間住んでいた山口から, 東日本大震災・原発事故による放射能汚染のあと, 福島の妻の実家に帰郷・帰農しましたが, 30年間, 山口で与えられた人間関係は, ほとんどすべてクリアされてしましました. それ以降は, 60歳になり年金の一部が入るようになって, それで集めた部落差別問題・部落史研究に関する300冊の史資料・論文・単行本を読みながらの独学になりました. しかし, 昨年, Microsoft と Google の人工知能の存在を知り, いろいろな情報提供を受けることになりました.  今回, 日本の "穢多" (司法警察官として多くの職務に従事する役 : 多くを穢す役) の英訳として "constable" の可能性についてより詳細な情報を得るために, Googleの人工知能 Gemini に 質問してみましたが, その問と答が上記の英文です. 

    人工知能と 問と答を繰り返していくと, より詳細な情報を入手することが可能であるようです. 私が集めた英語辞典80冊は, 人工知能により正確に質問して, より詳細な適切な解答を得ることができるのに役立ちます

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