

     無学歴・無資格 (Academic Outsider) の私は, 中学英語レベルで, English Writing を指向していますが, 中学レベルの英語とは, どの程度の英語力のことなのでしょうか?

    小学校6年間, 中学校3年間で, 義務教育9年間, 高校まで行けば12年間教育を受けたことになります.  私が, ”中学レベルの英語” と言っているのは, 日本の義務教育における ”中学レベルの英語” なのですが, アメリカにおける ”中学レベルの英語” は, どの程度の英語力のことを指しているのでしょう・・・?

    Nicle Foster著 "How to Write in Plain English" を読んでいると, 驚くべきことが書かれていました. なんと, アメリカの21%のおとなは, まったく英語の読み書きができないというのです. もちろん, 日常生活における hearing と speaking はできるのですが, reading と writingは出来ないというのです. それどころか, 21%のほかに54%のおとなは, ”sixth-grade lebel”  (小学レベル)  以上の reading ができないというのです. しかし, 公文書は, ”ninth-grade lebel” (中学レベル) の英語で書かれていると言います. 

    インターネットで検索してみますと, 日本における中学レベルの英語の単語数は, アメリカの小学1~2年生レベルの単語数に相当するそうです.  日本における高校レベルの英語の単語数は, アメリカの小学3~5年生レベルの単語数に相当するそうです.

    Microsoftの人工知能BingAIに質問してみました. 解答は以下の通りでした. 

    (問) アメリカの中学卒レベルの英語力を身につけるには? 

    Immerse yourself in English: Try to surround yourself with English as much as possible. Watch English movies, TV shows, and listen to English music. This will help you get used to the language and improve your listening and comprehension skills.

    Read English books: Reading English books is a great way to improve your vocabulary and grammar. Start with books that are at your level and gradually move on to more challenging ones.

    Practice speaking: Speaking is an important part of learning any language. Try to find someone to practice speaking English with, or consider joining a language exchange program.

    Take English classes: Consider taking English classes at a language school or online. This will help you learn the language in a structured way and provide you with opportunities to practice speaking and writing.

    Take standardized tests: Taking standardized tests such as the TOEFL or IELTS can help you measure your English proficiency and identify areas that need improvement.

    (問) アメリカの中学校卒業レベルの英語で論文を書くのに必要な英語力を身につけるには、

    To write an English paper at the American junior high school graduate level, you need to have a good command of English grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. The Eiken Test in Practical English Proficiency is a standardized test that measures English proficiency in Japan. According to the Eiken Foundation of Japan, the Eiken Grade 3 or higher is equivalent to the English skills of a junior high school graduate in America.

    (問) アメリカの中学校卒業レベルの英語力で論文を書くには?

    Writing an English essay at the American junior high school level requires a structured approach. Here are some steps you can follow:

    Determine the type of essay: Check the specific requirements for your essay provided by your teacher to see what type of essay you need to write. While the essays will differ in subject matter, they tend to follow the same 5 paragraph structure.

    Do preliminary research: Start looking for general information and evidence on the topic you were assigned or chose. Try to find similarities or connections between the facts that you find. Organize and save the information so you can revisit it later.

    Create an arguable thesis statement: The thesis statement is the point of view you present to the reader and the main focus of your entire essay. If you need to make an argument in your essay, write the argument in one clear and concise sentence. Make sure the point is arguable and not just a general thought or idea.

    Find reliable sources that support your argument: Avoid using personal blogs or websites that are biased. Instead, look for scholarly articles, lab research, or general news sources for the most accurate information.

    Outline your essay: Organize your thoughts and ideas into an outline. This will help you structure your essay and ensure that you include all the necessary information.

    Write your essay: Start with a strong introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and clearly states your thesis. Use the body paragraphs to support your thesis with evidence and examples. End with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis.

    Edit and revise: Once you have written your essay, take the time to edit and revise it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure that your essay flows smoothly and logically.

    Remember, writing is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Be patient and persistent, and you will see improvement over time. Good luck!

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夕方, "アクセス独和辞典" が届く・・・

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