



For he says ;
 "By the strength of my hand  I have done it,
and by my wisdom, for I have understunding;
Ihve removed the boundaries of people,
and have plundered their treasures;
like a bull I habe brought down those who sat on thrones.
My hand has found, like a nest, the wealth of the peoples;
and as one gathers eggs that have been forsaken,
so I have gathered all the earth;
and there was none that moved a wing,
or opened its mouth,or chirped."

Therefore the Sovereign, the Lord of hosts,
will send wasting sickness among his stout warrior,
and under his glory a burning will be kindled, like theburning of fire.

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    今朝, 食事をしながら, 妻が語りかけてきました.     朝, 田畑転換した元苗代田に, 国道294号線のバイパス工事のために, 妻の実家の庭から移転した簡易温室について, 妻は, " 簡易温室って, けっこう広いのね. 移転したあと, まだ何も栽培していない...