
Amazonに『A Dictionary of Historical Terms』を注文しました。

今日の午後、Amazonに『A Dictionary of Historical Terms』を注文しました。 以下の説明文を読んだことで、購入することを決めました。もちろん、注文したのは古本です。 第3版です。価格は、送料込みで1,471円でした。 <しあわせはどこにある? あの青い空の下、Amazon に・・・>。

 <The latest edition of A Dictionary of Historical Terms provides a unique and important work of reference for students and teachers of history. Ranging in time over 1500 years (from the onset of the Dark Ages and the rise of Islam to the closing decade of the twentieth century) the Dictionary provides a wealth of compact definitions of many hundreds of historical terms chosen from every epoch of modern world history. Arranged alphabetically, and thoroughly updated and expanded for this new edition, the entries range from medieval Europe to post-colonial Africa, from the Addled Parliament of Stuart England to the Zemstov of imperial Russia. Also included are contemporary terms ranging from Ethnic Cleansing and the Christmas Revolution to the Whitewater Affair and New Labour. Terms relating to social, economic, gender and intellectual issues are also included, while geographical areas as diverse as Latin America, the Arab world and the Pacific are fully covered in this wide-ranging volume. This third edition of the now well-established Macmillan A Dictionary of Historical Terms will provide not only a valuable reference work for college and public libraries but also useful desk top companion for students and teachers.>

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夕方, "アクセス独和辞典" が届く・・・

    夕方, "アクセス独和辞典 第4版" が届きました.     私がもっている CASIO の電子辞書 XD-D7100に収録されている "アクセス独和辞典" は第3版・・・. ルターの独訳聖書を読んでいて, イスラエルの民がエジプト...