
『Dic American Heritage English As a Second Language Dictionary』を注文・・・

    夕方、Amazon のサイトで、<Amerian English Dictionary>をキーワードにして検索、表示された辞書を一つ一つチェックしました。

    すでに注文している『Oxford American Desk Dictionary and Thesaurus』と『Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus』を内容見本を見比べていましたが、『Oxford American Desk Dictionary and Thesaurus』で十分と判断しました。

    そのとき、ふと目にとまった『Dic American Heritage English As a Second Language Dictionary』・・・、内容説明に、<Provides a word list and definitions; a simple alphabetic pronunication system; sample sentences and phrases; homonyms, synonyms, prefixes, and suffixes; and grammar information>とありました。 『American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language』とどのような関係があるのか、調べていましたら、次の文章に遭遇しました。

    The American Heritage(R) English as a Second Language Dictionary is the first of its kind to be based on one of the most respected and authoritative American language dictionaries available. From a rich tradition and specifically designed to meet the needs of ESL students, this resource is a necessity for those who seek to learn and use English as their second language. The up-to-date vocabulary includes 40,000 words and phrases, with special attention given to new business, medical, science, and technology words. Distinctive features include: Authoritative definitions adapted from The American Heritage(R) Dictionary; easy-to-use Alphabet Pronunciation System; abundant sample sentences and phrases; homonyms and synonyms; prefixes and suffixes; phrasal verbs and idioms as separate entries; as well as the most comprehensive coverage of abbreviations and grammar. With word-building notes, usage notes, and 250 photographs and illustrations.



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    今朝, 食事をしながら, 妻が語りかけてきました.     朝, 田畑転換した元苗代田に, 国道294号線のバイパス工事のために, 妻の実家の庭から移転した簡易温室について, 妻は, " 簡易温室って, けっこう広いのね. 移転したあと, まだ何も栽培していない...