
教育学者 Paulo Freire と 社会学者 Albert Memmi の関係について人工知能Bingにたずねてみました・・・

    Microsoft の人工知能 BINGに, 教育学者 Paulo Freire と 社会学者 Albert Memmi の関係について人工知能Bingにたずねてみました. その答えの一部です.

    "There is a connection between Paulo Freire and Albert Memmi. According to a paper published in the Journal of Educational Controversy, Freire was influenced by Memmi’s ideas on colonialism and decolonization. Memmi was a Tunisian Jewish writer and sociologist who wrote extensively on the subject of colonialism and its effects on the colonized. Freire was also influenced by the ideas of Frantz Fanon, another writer and philosopher who wrote about the psychological effects of colonialism on the colonized.

    In summary, both Paulo Freire and Albert Memmi wrote about the effects of colonialism on the colonized, and Freire was influenced by Memmi’s ideas on the subject."

    教育学者 Paulo Freireの "被抑圧者の教育学" (邦訳) は以前入手して読んだことがありますが, 書棚には見当たらず, 書庫にしまい込んでいるようです. 

    人工知能Bingに, さらに, Albert Memmi と"解放の神学" との関係について尋ねますと, 次のような答えがありました.

    "Albert Memmi was a French-Tunisian writer and essayist of Tunisian-Jewish origins. He is best known for his non-fiction work, “The Colonizer and the Colonized,” which explores the interdependent relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. The work is often read in conjunction with Frantz Fanon’s “The Wretched of the Earth” and Aimé Césaire’s “Discourse on Colonialism”. While I could not find any direct relationship between Albert Memmi and liberation theology, his works have been influential in the context of national liberation movements."

    私にはとても納得のいく答えでした. 私のものの見方, 考え方は, "解放の神学" のそれではなく, Albert Memmi の "反差別主義" のそれです.

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