
日本語で質問したのに英語で回答してくる Copilot・・・

   Microsoftの人工知能 Copilot, 日本語で質問したのに, 英語で回答してきました. Microsoftの人工知能 Copilot とどのようにつきあっていけばいいのでしょうか・・・? 部落問題・部落史研究の一般説・通説に大きく変更を求めない限りは, 部分的に修正する "能力" はもっているようですが, ものごとを自分で調査して批判検証する能力はまだ確保出来ていないようです.

    私: "穢多" という漢語は, 借字であると言われています.
    しかし,  多くの部落史研究者は, eta の本質を物語る言葉として "穢多" という言葉を解釈します. 多くの場合は, 穢多し (ケガレ多し) と読みます.つまり, "穢" を主語, "多" を述語と解釈します.この "穢多" の解釈が, "穢多" の末裔である被差別部落の人々に言語に絶する精神的圧迫をもたらしてきました.
    しかし, "穢多" という漢語は, 他の読み方も考えられます. 多くの漢語と同じように述語+目的語として解釈しますと,"穢す" (述語)+"多くを" (目的語) の意味になります. "穢多し" という言葉は, 被差別部落の先祖が本質的に穢れた存在であることを意味しますが, "多くを穢す" という言葉は, "穢多" という近世幕藩体制下の司法警察としての職務を指す言葉になります. "穢多" は "穢多役"の意味になります. この場合は, "穢多" という言葉は差別語にはなりません.
    左翼主義思想の部落史の学者・研究者・教育者・運動家は, "穢多" という言葉の意味を "穢れ多し" のみに限定し, その他の解釈を一切排除してきました

    Thank you for sharing this insightful perspective on the term “穢多” (eta). It’s a complex and historically charged word, and its interpretation has indeed evolved over time. Let’s delve into it further:

    Origins and Interpretations:
    In medieval and early modern Japan, “穢多” referred to a social class of people considered “impure” or “unclean.” They were often grouped alongside the “非人” (hinin), another marginalized group. These individuals faced discrimination, restrictions on residence, and were often engaged in tasks like leatherwork or assisting in the arrest and execution of criminals.

Interestingly, there are different interpretations of “穢多”:
    Some scholars emphasize the “穢れ多し” (kegare ooshi) meaning, emphasizing the inherent impurity associated with their existence. Others consider an alternative interpretation: “穢す” (kegasu) meaning “to defile” + “多くを” (ooku o) meaning “many.” This suggests a role related to policing or maintaining order, rather than inherent impurity.

    The Role of “河原人” (Kawaramono):
    Alongside “穢多,” there existed a group known as “河原人” (kawaramono) or “河原細工丸” (kawarameshimaru). They were skilled workers involved in processing leather from dead horses and cattle. Their work took place near riverbanks (“河原”), which likely contributed to their name. They were sometimes also called “清目” (kiyome), emphasizing their specific role in handling animal hides.

    Changing Perspectives:
    The perception of impurity varied across regions and historical contexts. In the East, where hunting and livestock farming were common, the concept of “kegare” (impurity) was less pronounced. However, in Kyoto and the western regions, the association between animal death and impurity was stronger due to religious beliefs. These workers were seen as having a special ability to handle such tasks.

    The Emergence of the Term “穢多”:
    The term “穢多” first appeared in the late 13th century in the encyclopedia “塵袋” (Chiri-bukuro). It was explained as a transformation of the word “餌取” (etadori), referring to those who collected food for hawks during falconry.
    Later, the character “穢” was added to it. However, the context matters: it described those who killed animals for meat, not necessarily as inherently impure.

    Beyond Impurity:
    Notably, during this period, “穢多” did not exclusively denote “impurity.” In some contexts, it represented powerful and fearsome individuals, such as depicted in the “天狗草紙” (Tengu Scrolls). The shift in perception may reflect changing societal dynamics, including the decline of religious authority and a shift toward viewing certain actions as “unclean” rather than purely impure.

In summary, “穢多” carries a multifaceted history, and its interpretation reflects broader social, cultural, and religious contexts. As we explore these nuances, it’s essential to recognize the complexity and avoid oversimplification. If you have any more questions or want to discuss further, feel free to ask!





    「穢多」という用語が初めて登場したのは、13 世紀後半の百科事典『塵袋』です。これは「餌取」という言葉が変化したものと説明され、鷹狩りの際にタカの餌を集める人々を指します。後に「穢」という文字が追加されました。しかし、文脈は重要です。これは肉のために動物を殺す人々を表すものであり、必ずしも本質的に不浄なものではありません。




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