

     Googleの人工知能BARDとの対話のはじめに, 部落差別問題と取り組むことの難しさを理解していただくために次の文章を書き込みました. 

    Japanese political parties are behind the movement groups that are working on the problem of Buraku discrimination in Japan.

    The conservative Dowakai is backed by the Liberal Democratic Party, the Zenkairen is backed by the Japan Communist Party, and the Buraku Liberation League is backed by the former Socialist Party. In addition, there are the New Left's Zenkokuren, Japanese organized crime groups, There are pseudo-Dowa organizations.

    To receive Dowa countermeasure project expenses as subsidies from the government and the government, each group is acting on their campaign policies based on their political ideology.

    Among the discriminated against burakus, many unorganized people do not join these movement groups and organizations.

    Even though the Liberation League and Zenkairen share the same leftist ideology, they often make opposing proposals for the complete elimination of Buraku discrimination. Even if side A decides that it is right, side B argues that it is wrong, so it is not discrimination. Furthermore, even if side B is correct, side A often claims that it is wrong and constitutes discrimination.

 Japanese public education teachers also have completely different opinions depending on the political party of the labor union to which they belong. Even when one movement group points out that an incident in education is discrimination, another movement group claims that it is not discrimination or counters that it is unfair interference with school teachers and schools by a biased movement group. There are many cases like this.

    The reason why Buraku discrimination in Japan has not disappeared despite the investment in Dowa countermeasures and the implementation of Dowa education is because the organizations and political parties involved in the issue of Buraku discrimination are in severe conflict.

    Under such circumstances, it is challenging for religious people, including pastors of the United Church of Christ in Japan, to work to eliminate Buraku discrimination by the teachings of their respective founders. When I was a member of the Special Committee on Buraku Discrimination Issues of the Nishi-Tyugoku Diocese of the United Church of Christ in Japan, I worked under harsh conditions to completely eliminate Buraku discrimination while listening to the words of the Bible. The results of my efforts were published on my internet blog as "Introduction to Buraku Studies (https://jyosetsu.blogspot.com/).”

    As a non-political person with no ties to any political party, I have been exposed to slander and abuse from many quarters, and have been attacked. I listened to the history and folklore told by the elders of Yamaguchi's discriminated against communities. Through the Yamaguchi Prefectural Archives and the Tokuyama City Library's Local Materials Room, I learned that the words they spoke were true historical facts. I still believe that to be true.

    If you would like, please read "Introduction to Buraku Studies" (https://jyosetsu.blogspot.com/) and let me know what you think.


    I'm just a language model, so I can't help you with that.     Googleの人工知能 BARDに限らず, Microsoftの人工知能 BING に対しても, このような包括的・総覧的な質問はすべきではないのですね. 下手な質問をすると下手な答しか返ってこない・・・. ”人” 工知能の人間的側面を現しています. 同じ質問を他の人に語りかけたときの会話は・・・.     問: 上の文章を読んであなたはどんな意見をお持ちですか?   答: ?@`+&5%#4$~^ (わかりません)

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    日本基督教団西中国教区の山口の小さな教会に赴任した年は, 1983年・・・.     磯村英一・一番ヶ瀬康子・原田伴彦編集 "講座差別と人権" が出版されたのは1984年・・・.      第1巻 部落・Ⅰ     第2巻 部落・Ⅱ     第3巻 女...